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The Largest*
Business Community
in Japan Exclusively
for Corporate Leaders
Accelerating Web3
*according to our research
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2024.7.16 The second term of N.Avenue Club has begun.Accepting New Members.
Optimal for Web3 Business Development
Paid Corporate Membership Service
N.Avenue Club
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N.Avenue Club is a corporate membership business community
targeting corporate leaders from
various industries aiming for business development utilizing Web3.
Recommended for
  • Stay Ahead with
    Global Web3 Trends
  • Learn about practical
    Web3 use cases
  • Collaborate with
    key industry figures in Web3
  • Struggling to Utilize
    Your Company’s Assets
At N.Avenue Club, we focus on three main activities
  • Research
    Get the latest domestic and international updates
    Comprehensive Selection of Critical Themes by CoinDesk Japan
    CoinDesk Japan, the largest Web3 media outlet globally, meticulously selects the essential themes that need in-depth exploration each month. We provide the latest knowledge through guest lectures and Q&A sessions, followed by the distribution of summary reports.
  • Network
    Network with Web3 key players
    Engage with Industry Leaders and Special Guests
    In addition to exchanging ideas with leaders involved in Web3 across various industries, we also host networking events with special guests for our members. These interactions aim to generate new business ideas and foster collaborations.
  • PR
    Promote your initiatives and collaboration opportunities
    Promote Your Initiatives and Desired Partnerships
    Member companies can share their initiatives and what they seek in potential partner companies. We will promote these efforts through our media channels. This outreach extends beyond the community, providing PR benefits that can lead to new business opportunities.


Corporate Members

※ The corporate members include the companies who are not listed here.

Advisory Board

  • Hosho Karasawa
    Hosho Karasawa
    Accenture Japan Ltd
    Business Consulting Division
  • Takato Fukui
    Takato Fukui
    Anderson Mori & Tomotsune
  • Hideto Kawasaki
    Hideto Kawasaki
    Member of the House of Representatives, Liberal Democratic Party Digital Society Promotion Headquarters
    web3PTChief Secretary
  • Keita Nakamura
    Keita Nakamura
    Melcoin Inc.
  • Yosuke Shiraishi
    Yosuke Shiraishi
    Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association Vice Chairman
  • Sota Watanabe
    Sota Watanabe
    Astar Network/Startale Labs
  • Kensuke Amo
    Kensuke Amo
    Animoca Brands K.K.
    Vice President and COO
  • Midori Kanemitsu
    Midori Kanemitsu
    bitFlyer, Inc.
  • Laura Shi
    Laura Shi
    Director Asia Strategy
  • Yam Ki CHAN
    Yam Ki CHAN
    Vice President Strategy and Policy
  • comugi
    Emoote Pte. Ltd.
    Co-Founder and Researcher
  • Yohei Fusayasu
    Yohei Fusayasu
    Ginco inc
    Vice President and Director
  • Yoriko Beal
    Yoriko Beal
    Polygon Labs
    Head of Business Development Japan
  • Wong Joon Ian
    Wong Joon Ian
    Cryptographic. media

Community Members


At N.Avenue Club, we focus on three main activities

Round Table

Next Event

【web3 Jam ✕ N.Avenue club共同企画ワークショップ】顧客データが民主化される時代、企業CRMは大きく変わる ~ブロックチェーンを活用した大規模企業連携の手法とは~




For those who wish to join, please fill out the required information in the form below and submit your application.
A representative will contact you shortly.
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